There are a number of schools offering music education in Sydney. Whether you’re interested in taking a course at a Conservatorium High School or you’re interested in obtaining a diploma in a music-related discipline from the University of Sydney, you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

ANU School of Music

The Australian National University School of Music is a prestigious tertiary music school. It has a curriculum that strives to meet the needs of local and emerging creative industries. It also aims to produce responsible, intellectually rigorous, and independent-minded young musicians.

Some of the students at the ANU School of Music are working in some of the highest performing and artistic capacities in Australia. They have been performing and recording at a number of renowned international venues and performing arts festivals. Several of them have been awarded prestigious scholarships and fellowships. These include the Bill Hyslop Prize for Voice, an Australia Council Project Fellowship, and a Banf Residency in Canada.

Currently, the ANU School of Music is heading into a new renaissance under the leadership of Head of School Kim Cunio. Previously, the ANU School of Music was under the leadership of Professor Peter Tregear. However, the School of Music has been hit by a string of major operational mishaps.

With the restructure of the ANU School of Music, many teaching positions will be cut. There will be only 13 teaching positions instead of 24. Also, two administrative staff will be cut. This comes amid rumours of the School of Music’s uncertain future.

Professor Tregear’s resignation was one of the most recent of the school’s major operational mishaps. His tenure at the School of Music has been dogged by controversy over inadequate funding.


The Australian Institute of Music (AIM) is a leading independent education provider based in Sydney. It offers a wide variety of music and arts studies. Whether you’re just starting out, or you’re ready to advance your career, AIM has something for you.

AIM has two main campuses in Melbourne and Sydney. In addition to music and arts studies, AIM also offers a range of business and management courses. This includes a range of practical skills and industry connections.

AIM is a private higher education institution that provides fully accredited music and arts programs. They are renowned for their high-quality and industry-relevant teaching and training. Students can learn a wide variety of skills, including music production, audio and sound engineering, and business management.

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As a private, not-for-profit college, AIM is able to offer multiple scholarships. In addition, AIM’s dedication to preparing students for success in the music industry has led to them establishing unrivaled connections in the field.

AIM also has a wide-ranging and well-funded student safety program. Regardless of whether you’re on campus, or living in the surrounding area, AIM provides a safe and supportive environment.

While you’re at it, make sure to explore all of the amenities that AIM has to offer. These include studios, housing, and more. You can even apply for departmental scholarships.

AIM is a private not-for-profit college that was founded in 1968. In that year, it was known as the Sydney Guitar School. Nowadays, it’s considered the leading provider of innovative and industry-leading music and arts education in Australia.

University of Queensland

The University of Queensland is one of the leading music schools in Australia. As well as teaching students how to play their instruments, it also provides them with valuable skills in performance and critical thinking.

There are various undergraduate and graduate programs available at the school. In addition, there is a strong focus on research and professional development. Students may take part in internships with industry partners.

Several of the university’s top academics are musicians themselves. For example, Dr Robert Davidson is a senior lecturer in composition at the school. He has also recorded with The Australian Voices.

Graduates from the university have gone on to have successful careers in the music industry. Many of them are working in prestigious opera houses, recording studios and orchestras. Others use their music as a therapeutic tool in the health sector. Some even work with up-and-coming musicians in education settings.

There are many different genres of music and each requires different knowledge and skills. This is why a music school must prepare its students for the music industry.

At the UQ School of Music, students are given numerous opportunities to perform in real-world settings, such as at the QPAC concert series. They also participate in master classes with international renowned performers.

The school has a strong focus on teaching excellence. It has won several Australian Awards for University Teaching.

The main campus is located in St Lucia, Brisbane, along a meander of the Brisbane River. There are six faculties, as well as several other facilities.

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Music schools in Australia offer a wide range of music degree programs to help students develop the skills necessary to succeed in the industry. The best music schools are consistently in demand because they provide top-notch instruction. They also provide a supportive environment for studying.

Some of the top music schools in Australia include the University of Tasmania, the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, and the Australian Institute of Music. Graduates of these universities have found success in a variety of musical fields.

Students can pursue degrees in a variety of musical genres, including classical, contemporary, and jazz. There are also programs for music production, composition, and performance.

Doctorate programs in music usually take three to four years to complete. They focus on the musical arts, while also incorporating philosophy components. In addition, they allow students to develop a musical thesis in depth.

QUT is one of the top music schools in Australia, and the university boasts a solid international reputation. Its faculty is highly experienced, and students have access to state-of-the-art studios. Throughout their studies, students are exposed to a variety of cultures.

If you want to study abroad, you may be able to take advantage of QUT’s special study abroad program. You can also apply for scholarships. HECS-HELP is available to eligible Australian citizens.

Sydney Conservatorium of Music is the oldest music school in Australia. This school is renowned for its excellent instruction and diverse student community. Graduates work in a number of different areas, from orchestras to film scoring.

Conservatorium High School

The Sydney Conservatorium of Music is one of the oldest music schools in Australia. It offers a wide range of subjects, from visual arts and jazz to hip hop and personal development.

Students have the chance to choose their courses according to their interests. For example, they can study Chinese music or learn about film scores. There are also a number of scholarships available to students who want to further their musical studies.

Students have the option to take part in the Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO). This is a training program for young musicians. Individualized instruction is provided by members of the AYO.

Reafen Li is a passionate teacher of violin and music theory. She has extensive teaching experience. Her students often achieve outstanding results in master classes and exams.

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Ros Tesoriero specialises in piano. She has studied jazz with world-renowned jazz concert artist Dave Frank. Her students often excel in national and international competitions.

The Conservatorium Library is the best academic music library in Australia. It is operated by the University of Sydney and holds more than 32,000 books, digitized scores, and print journals.

In addition to a comprehensive music library, the Conservatorium boasts a large collection of creative arts. The library’s collection consists of over 20 000 CDs/DVDs, including music and literature.

There are a number of yearly events for conservatorium students and their families. These include open day concerts, house concerts, and annual concerts. Many of the events are free to attend.

Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music at Monash University

The Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music at Monash University is a premier music institution that provides students with a unique combination of music and technology. This includes an impressive digital hub, which enables students to tap into a vast array of musical resources. It also boasts a cutting-edge recording facility. With the help of this new facility, students can explore the latest in digital music technology.

The Sir Zelman Cowen School of music is home to a music archive that includes a collection of ethnomusicological material and scores. There are also 40 individual practice rooms. Some of the most popular courses are the Bachelor of Music and Master of Music, which are designed to teach students how to perform and record professional quality music.

The Sir Zelman Cowen school of music is located at the Clayton campus of Monash University. It’s a sleek and stylish building, with stainless steel and precast columns. Among other features, it boasts a 500 seat recital hall.

The Sir Zelman Cowen is a state of the art music facility, which boasts a cutting-edge collaborative recording facility. The facility features a large recording studio, along with a cafe and restaurant. In addition, the Sir Zelman Cowen also houses a laudable music library. Among other things, this collection is the largest in Australia.

As a new component of the Clayton campus, the Sir Zelman Cowen school of music has the opportunity to make a difference to its community. Besides the obvious benefit of improving the student experience, the institution is able to engage its faculty and students through innovative programs.